Specializing in the ridiculously hard to find
Anne Hengehold, Founder & Owner
Anne loves to dig – not only in her veggie garden, but also for information in the dark corners of engineering libraries, in well-illuminated sci-tech databases, and by chatting up people (i.e., conducting primary research).
Professional engineers and architects who focus on figuring out why something blew up, fell down, or fizzled on the launch pad benefit from Anne’s 10+ years of experience in turning up the ridiculously hard to find.
Following a career in radio and audio production, Anne joined a multi-disciplinary consulting engineering firm, then discovered the joys of being an independent info pro. As the founder of Clarify Information Services, Anne revels in working with technical, architectural and engineering experts who value a well-crafted, efficiently executed search for the information they need.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation about a project you’re working on, or take advantage of Clarify’s huge reference library by borrowing a book, historical standard or building code from our 10,000+ volume engineering library.
In case you're curious, we play by the AIIP Code of Ethical Business Practice.
Special librarians are a smart, dedicated bunch. Anne is proud to have been an SLA member and Past President of SLA Illinois.