Private Library Services

We know what it’s like to be knee-deep in decades of books, journals, manuals ... stuff.

Maybe it’s all neatly piled in boxes from your last move,
lining bookshelves at home and at the office,
or lurking in oddball places you’d rather not discuss.

When you see these stockpiles, you think...

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were organized?
If the disused stuff disappeared? 
If the good stuff was donated or turned into cash?

Clarify Information Services can help you curate your private collection, achieving all of these goals.

From sorting and assessing, to cataloging and proper display, we can tame your collection of:

  • Scientific and technical books
  • Journals and proceedings
  • Standards and building codes
  • Manuals and product literature
  • Even your electronic resources

From any excess items, we’ll determine which are viable for sale.

We have a unique sales service (see current items for sale in our Amazon store) and will handle the entire selling transaction - including shipping.

Stop struggling with your private collection.
Let Clarify help you love your library again!